Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Awakening

Hidden gem in the Netflix world!  Those cheeky boarding school pupils have ruffled the feathers of the Headmaster yet again!  Or have they???  Set in 1921 this movies focuses on a pretty hot chick who is famous for her uncovering ghost hoaxes.  The spirit world and this skeptic pretty much don't get along and she makes fools out of those innocent scam artists just trying to make a living off of the desperate survivors who just want to make contact.  Well being the hard core bitch that she is you can imagine the demand she is in for all of these pesky little ghost problems needing uncovered.  She is invited to a creepy boarding school with a bunch of adolescent boys who are a bit mischievous, no this isn't a story of a teacher who hooks up with her students!  There are stories of a ghost sighting and she must uncover the so called hoax.  She uses "modern" technology that is pretty cool for the 20's and finds that there is more than meets the eye at the school.  This movie takes a great twist, although nothing new or that will take you by a huge surprise, it is well worth the watch to the end.  Its not a campy or low budget type of film, and usually I am not into the period pieces, but this one was damn good.  I would suggest this to the suspense lover and pay attention to the events that happen once she arrives at the school.  Spoiler alert, the clown is the killer at the end!  Just kidding, there is no damn clown!  

FYI:  Dominic West allegedly slept with every woman on set, including 78 year old Maude Cassett.  Then he started in on the men!


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