Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Family

You talkin to me?  Okay mafia fans, here is a little different take on the whole "Mob" movie craze and who better to lead the film but the king of Mafioso, DeNiro.  What you have is a good, wholesome, Italian-American family who might have made a few mistakes in their life now trapped in the FBI Witness Protection Program.  Most of the story takes place in France where they are "Stationed" and their reluctance to adapt is what makes the movie really pretty funny.  The kids are great by floating high above their age level in school manipulating the others to get what they want.  The all star cast does a great job, especially Tomy Lee Jones, as the Head FBI Agent.  One of the funniest parts is where DeNiro views "Goodfellas" for a french audience to give his take on the movies authenticity.  Biggest down-fall is that the movie seemed to end prematurely.  I feel like there should have been 15 more minutes and less of an ending that was like a bull in a china shop.  I would suggest watching the movie, just dont expect an Oscar winning reaction.  Available on Netflix now.

FYI: When Pfeiffer was approached to do the film she said if she doesnt have any scenes with DeNiro she wouldnt even read the script.


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