Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Sacrament

Spoilers in this review!!!

I have been waiting to watch this movie for a while and it finally started streaming on Netflix this week!  Looking at the cover we have a John Goodman lookalike which would have been way cool, but the no name was a good choice.  Here we have a film that basically tells the story of the "Jones town Massacre", you know, drink the Kool-Aid (invented in Nebraska btw).  The story is good, as it is based on the real events and insane how one creepy old man could brainwash so many people.  An underground "truth" type media outlet decides to investigate this commune in search for a friends sister who has been living the pure, christian, hippy life.  What they find is a scared flock who are frightened into keeping their mouth shut and basing every second of their life on the word of God, told by "Father", the Goodman lookalike leader.  It is a little tense in places but gets old watching the dip shit media crew running into the arms of danger and freezing up anytime something out of the ordinary happens.  I would just once like to put myself in a situation like this and start kicking some ass, or at least run to safety!  Regardless I would probably be one of the first to die, but I would DO SOMETHING!  The coolest part is when we see the holier than thou "Father" vacuum up some monster rails just before eating a bullet!  I feel like the deaths of all the "flock" was how things would have really happened after drinking cyanide but the events that led up to it were rushed.  I felt as if the movie needed at least another half an hour to develop the craziness of the community before offing everyone.  I would recommend this to anyone but don't expect a Summer Blockbuster of creativity.  Also, don't forget next time your at church and asked what flavor of Kool-Aid you want, grape or red, say RED!

FYI:  Two retired members of the Harlem Globetrotters played extras in this film!  (This is not a joke)  Also, this film made a whopping $583 on the opening weekend!  That's like 2 families!


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