Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Charlie Countryman

Ever heard of this movie?  No?  Probably because it only made $7000 at the box office so Im sure it was pulled pretty damn quick!  In all reality this was a really good movie.  I don't know what it is about LaBeouf, he is a train wreck but I always like his acting and movies.  Here we have a tale of a young naive man from Chicago, whose Mom just died and tells him from the dead to go to Bucharest.  He follows orders accordingly and ends up on the short end of a Russian Scandal.  He does a good job in this as the type of person who sticks their nose in everything, cant take a hint, and is a bit of a stalker.  Whats not to love!?  Speaking of love he falls for a Russian Cellist who's Dad just happens to die next to him on the way over.  Ok, this kid is the king of wrong place at the wrong time.  Slow in some parts and a little annoying at times but definitely worth the watch.  

FYI:  LaBeouf actually dropped out of this movie at one time and the part started going to Zac Efron.  Well with the ultimate ego of LaBeouf, he is back in!


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