Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Movie 43

Did anyone actually see this movie?  If you did, you will realize that you wasted 94 minutes of your life.  The cast is huge with about 20 "A" list actors, the story is really bad and the skits are pretty terrible.  I was about 20 minutes into this movie when I realized that this is a huge waste of time, but I commit!  There were only 3 or 4 times where I actually even cracked a smile and laughed, otherwise this is a giant turd that should be thrown away.  The Batman and Robin was okay, and the crazy Dennis Quaid was funny but really not worth anytime what so ever.  I wouldnt suggest watching this movie, ever!

FYI:  George Clooney was cast to play a skit where he was bad at picking up women but bailed out last minute.


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