Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tucker and Dale vs Evil

Here is a movie that has been stuck in my Netflix Que for a really long time.  So long in fact that I forgot to even care about watching it, and honestly didnt want to.  I love scary movies and really have a hard time watching the spoofs but I was told that I should watch this by other movie buffs.  Its a simple story of two hillbillies who buy a vacation cabin in the spooky woods and just so happen to run into a group of teenagers on a weekend camping trip.  Both parties think the others are there to kill them and the misunderstandings along with the accidents really get things going.  It was just okay.  The lead girl is really hot, but unfortunately never gets naked like a real horror movie should have :)  Watch if your bored, if anything for the title alone.

FYI: All of the college kids actually died in the production of this movie.  Just kidding, A rough cut of the film was leaked which revealed various moments when lines are dubbed and when post-production effects are used.  It also shows that much of the likes were ad-libbed. 


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