Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Glengarry GlenRoss

Okay, if you are in any type of sales or ever have been and you haven't seen this movie then you must have died before 1992 and you shouldn't be on my e mail list!  Here we have a move that I would easily put in my top ten for the dialogue alone, not to mention the cast, writing, structure, pace and overall plot.  The movie is roughly about a group of real-estate salesmen who aren't making the corporate established cut.  The bosses send in a top sales guru who has a harsh and extremely blunt message for the crew telling them that the new expensive leads are only for the best of the best.  The story unfolds with desperation and anger as the race for the top is a smack in the face, cut throat, old school sales world.  Now lets start with the cast, it rarely gets as all-star as this.  Al Pacino, Jack Lemon, Ed Harris, Alec Baldwin, Kevin Spacey, and Alan Arkin.  The so called villains are basically Spacey and Baldwin, but when your done you will most likely love Baldwin and hate Spacey.  This movie has one of the best speeches of any movie ever made!  It ranks right up with Samuel L Jacksons Pulp Fiction speech, or Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting.  His part in the movie is only about 10 minutes but it will blow you away.  One of the most memorable lines would be, "Put the Coffee Down!!!!"  "Coffee is for Closers and you are a Fuckin Looser!"   In conclusion, run, don't walk to your Netflix to watch this movie tonight!  This will be my first 5 star movie of the reviews, and well worth it.

(FYI:  Although the actors were only required to be on set certain days, they would show up to watch the others act)


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