Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Rites of Spring

Now this is a movie!  Streaming on Netflix, this movie tells a tale of a poverty stricken farmer who's only salvation is for a good harvest in order to save his land and livelihood.  Well, just down the road a group of desperate thugs decide they will kidnap the "Brad Wesly" of towns daughter and babysitter for ransom.  The two stories interject and unfold an ancient old mystery of horror and suspense!  Does this sound like a good movie?  I hope so because I just may moon light as a descriptive writer for movies that are absolutely fucking terrible!!!!!!  Here is how the real description should have gone:  A bunch of stupid, wannabe kidnappers totally fuck up a kidnapping and end up hiding out at a farm where a retarded monster is being held to drink blood from "clean" young women and all hell breaks loose.  And by that I mean, the movie just gets stupider as you suffer through it!  I am absolutely dumber for watching this movie!  The only good thing about this was that if it made more than $20, I am certain I can make a movie with my 7 year old and pay off my mortgage.  Why watch this?  Dont!  You're Welcome for suffering through this crap to give you fair warning.  

FYI:  I am only one of 6 people to ever have seen this piece of crap!


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