Thursday, April 30, 2015


Those pesky aliens are at it again!  Not your typical, wait, these are your typical aggressive aliens just popping down to earth collecting species to experiment on.  Humans being a prime target, as always.  Never have I seen a movie with so much potential, and effects, with a cool concept be such a DUD!  The not so original story here is our government has had a secret agreement with aliens for years.  They can come and experiment once in a while and leave with no more harm done as long as humans don't engage.  Well, a group of pot head college kids engage!  Then guess what happens, all hell brakes loose!  This is kind of a "Fire in the Sky" meets "Cabin in the Woods" movie with decent acting and a few good twists that keep you watching just as boredom begins to set in.  The end gets a little cheesy (smoking man), and the crazy pot grower in the woods is laughable (Michael Ironside).  Not to give the best part away, but this movie bring the classic Alien Probe to a whole new level.  If this was directed by J.J. Abrams, it would have been a blockbuster for sure!  I would give it a shot if you have some time to spend on an alien movie, but there are far better out there (check some of my past reviews).  Just keep in mind, if you happen to encounter an alien spaceship, its probably a good idea to leave as soon as possible.  Just sayin.

FYI:  Melanie Papalia is going for the title of B rated scream queen, she is literally in every cheesy movie made in the last 5 years.  Someone needs a new agent!


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