Wednesday, April 8, 2015


You know those weird neighbors you have that your just not quite sure what goes on behind their closed doors?  Well here you go!  This is a crazy tale of a family living in their own personal commune dictated by the deranged father forcing everyone to stay within the boundaries of the fenced in property.  The three children (all at least 17 years old) have never seen the outside world and have been psychologically damaged by thinking everyday normal things are completely different than what they are.  Example; a "Zombie" is a small yellow flower, "Sea" is a chair, and so on.  They are terrorized by the father to follow strict rules and are severely punished when they misbehave.  Sounds fun right?  Well the coolest dad ever decides to bring in an outsider to "relieve" the male tension of his son and then things start to unravel.  I admit I would have never watched this movie if it weren't on the Top 50 movies streaming on Netflix, but have to say I was intrigued.  I mean really, if you cant raise three robotic freaks in your own back yard what can you do?  This is America, dammit!  Subtitled from Greece, and selected as an official Cannes Movie, this is a pretty haunting story.  Maybe give it a shot, but unless you are a serious movie watcher you will most likely not enjoy the disturbing nature of the film.  If anything, it may entice you to take a peek over the neighbors fence once in a while.  

FYI:  The story came from a group of friends arguing over the sanctity of marriage and family, and weather it is really the way we should live.


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