Thursday, April 23, 2015


AHHHH, good ole southern country livin!  These back woods royalties have it made!  C'mon, who doesn't want to live in an abandoned trailer with an alcoholic, abusive father, no food, and a 9 year old sister who is so traumatized by life she wont even talk.  Boo Hoo, you didn't get the new X-Box game you were pissing about?  Try having your drunk ass dad beat the shit out of you, steal your money, and pimp your little sister.  Well if you havent realized that this is the feel good movie of the year, keep on reading!  Enter Nic Cage.  The man has had some flops, and by some I mean a TON!  Well he redeemed himself in this little diddy, and crushed his role as an ex-con lumber jack who takes a troubled boy under his wing and tries to do good with him.  Its not your typical wise old woodsman teaching a kid about life, but has some of those elements in it as well.  Throw in hookers, dog fights, police brutality, child abuse, southern black slang, and booze.  Now yer talkin!  This movie was a much underrated hidden Netflix gem that had me sucked in from the first few minutes.  The is a definite watch and will help you forget all about most of Cages other films.

FYI:  The abusive father in this film was played by Gary Poulter, a real life homeless man who was given the part by the director and ended up dying on the streets 2 months after filming was completed.


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