Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Troll Hunter

Okay, I know the title may throw you off a bit and yes this is a foreign film with subtitles.  So if you dont know how to read, this probably isint a movie for you.  Here we have yet another "lost footage" film that does everything it can to make you believe it is true.  While watching this movie you will soon find out that even trying to get you to believe it is true makes the movie just that much more ridiculous.  That being said, I actually liked the film and it kept me entertained, even though it was a story about...wait for it...Trolls!  Set in Norway, there are occurrences of Bears being illegally killed by a poacher.  This prompts a group of college kids to film a documentary of an alleged poacher.  They soon team up with him as he allows them to film his hunting only to find out he is actually part of a hidden government group who eliminates...wait for it...Trolls!  The trolls are exactly what you would think they would look like from fairy tales, but really, really big.  If you can get over the fact of what it is they are hunting you may actually like this film with no name actors and some cool scenes.  Give it a shot, they introduce some cool ideas.

FYI:  There is actually a "Troll Awareness Society" in Norway.  This large group of people actually think Trolls exist!!!!


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