Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wolf Creek 2

If you have ever visited Australia, (Corey) you will know that it is filled with crazed Aussies who are out for blood!  They hate tourists, foreigners, and love their country.  Any car or truck they drive is faster than yours, they are sniper good with a rifle, and they know the outback like its their own living room!  This is more of a documentary about the great Aussie land showing how demented these freaks from down under really are.  New to Netflix, this sequel wont disappoint.  It gives you the basics of any movie; blood, torture, suspense, accents, blood, and a killer who is really funny.   If you haven't seen part 1 yet, its okay, but I would recommend watching it first.  Actually I would make it a marathon with both in the same night.  You might not understand the whole killing randomly thing by the great Mick Taylor if you havent seen the first one and may just think its your average slasher flick.  Its not!  This is supposedly based on true events but they have yet to find the killer.   It kind of turns into House of 1000 corpses at the end, but reveals a cool twist.  Give this a shot then plan your next vacation mate!

FYI:  Billabong is actually the Aboriginal name for "Waterhole"


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