Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Conspiracy

Are you part of a secret society?  Do you like ancient rituals that involve blood?  Have you attended your annual secret meeting this year?  If so, you may have been filmed by the bastard media members who only want to destroy your after school program!  This is a great docu-type filmed movie that really makes you feel everything about it is real.  The story line is the breakdown of patterns in our historic society and the link to the secret societies such as Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, and the Tarsus Group.  All attended by the worlds most powerful people to create a New World Order.  Everything from Jesus Christ, to World War I, to the assassination of JFK is deconstructed here, all leading to a single group that pretty much controls the world.  Oh, you dont believe me, well then you are a sheep, just trance like walking through life like a puppet controlled by the higher powers that be!  Ok, maybe a little wacko, but then again I really like the mundane world of work and sleep, or do I?  I would definitely give this movie a chance, it is really well made and takes a good spin on the found footage type of movie.  The moral here is, dont go poking your nose in places you shouldnt be!  And I mean it!  (Cut to the secret hand shake and the murdering of a virgin)

FYI: The Tarsus Club is an actual member only group of global leaders strengthening their world issue relationships.  Kind of scarry!


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