Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Possession of Michael King

Seriously, who can resist a demonic possession movie!?!  I know I cant!  Oh, everyone else can?  Well I will say I watched this Redbox flick last night along with Heidi, Megan and Corey who all loved it, so it must be good right?  Actually, Heidi and Megan hated it, and the jury is still out on Corey.  I, on the other hand loved it!  This was one of those movies where you look at the cover and think, its either a terrible low budget film with horrible acting and they spent all of the budget on the cover art, or this is going to be one of those hidden gems that gets no where near the attention it deserves.  Well it was the latter, and I will explain why!  Have you ever wanted to be possessed by the devil?  How about just a demon?  Did you visit some of the creepiest people to help, taking weird drugs from toads and go through rituals to make this happen?  No?  Well then your not committed because that is what Michael King did, and he succeeded!  He did a hell of a job acting (no pun intended).  His possession was really cool and there were some genuine scares and gross out scenes.  The only problem I had with this is in a few scenes I wondered who was filming?  This is another found footage film, but it was done very well.  I highly recommend watching this movie, it will give you some good scared and has a cool twist in the end.  Bring your bible because as Heidi stated after, "I feel like I should go to church".   :)

FYI:  Most of this movie was filmed by Lucifer himself.  His freshman attempt at film-making was pretty good, although anyone who gave it a bad review burned in hell for eternity.


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