Friday, May 1, 2015


The next time you are doing a drug deal, try not to piss off the thugs you are selling to.  Especially if they overheard you talking about a party you are going to be at later that night.  Just a free piece of advice.  IF you are asking why?  Don't worry about it, and deal away!  This was a great hidden Netflix gem along the lines of "Dog Pound".  It had a bit of a made for TV feel to it, but enough real cinema at the end to stray away.  This is you basic kid prison movie but has some really good characters in it.  The main dude is good and could be a young Ryan Gossling, or even Adam Levine.  The premise is this, hard core juvenile detention center run by a sadistic ex military hard ass who appoints former inmates as caregivers.  Sound like a good formula?  Well thing obviously go awry and the proverbial shit hits the fan.  There are some good fight/torture/escape scenes in this and I loved the revenge scenario.  This will not be a waste of time and its a freebee on Netflix so there is no excuse.

FYI:  The first draft of this movie was written by a kid fresh out of high school in 1999


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