Friday, May 8, 2015

V.H.S. Viral

Whats more scary than a video tape that shows footage of creepy random acts of murder?  Apparently when they come true!  Or the fact that people still use VHS tapes in the first place!  Bad example with this movie as most of it is digital and online footage but still cant escape the name.  I'm sure most kids didn't watch this because they have no idea with VHS is.  This is the third installment of the VHS series and I have to be honest, I love them!  If you haven't seen any, definitely watch them and prepare yourself for something different.  The films contain a number of stories that don't necessarily tie together but show creepy things going on, usually resulting in murder.  In this one, we cut back and forth to a story of a young man trying to help his girlfriend who has been kidnapped by some psychopath, and he is filming the whole thing!  Sound stupid and typical?  It really kind of is, but entertaining to the fullest.  The stories are always a little different and not quite what you expect which keeps you wanting more.  Give it a shot, but I would suggest watching the other two first.  Now go video tape something, and not an amateur bedroom scene!

FYI:  Rob Zombie was set to direct this installment but the studio wouldn't agree to his story changes.


1 comment:

  1. I liked the first two. They were weird in a good way.
