Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Run All Night

Here we go again Liam, another type case, bad ass, who has a particular set of skills!  How many of these will good ole Neeson milk?  This was more of a cross between Next of Kin, and Taken.  Here is the case with this movie, I actually liked the plot and story line.  It was still your typical action/revenge movie but had some good things to help keep it interesting.  In all honesty I would have liked this movie better without Neeson's character.  The gangsters, the son, and the family were all more interesting.  I did like how Neeson played a low life in this with a dark past, but (Yawn) we've seen it all before.  Here is the scoop; Nesson is a looser/hit-man for a mob boss (Harris).  Harris has a son that is a spoiled coke head and gets himself into a little trouble with some drug dealers.  Neesons son happens to see the crime and ends up with a target on his head.  Well in order to protect him, Neeson kills the gangsters son and, you guessed it, all hell breaks loose!  If you didnt follow all of that, you will, its pretty paint by numbers.  Here are some ugly issues I have:  The end is a cheesy over dramatic scene straight out of Hollywood.  The son has more bullets in his gun than anyone else in the movie.  Common, (oh, did I forget to mention he was in this) has cheesier lines in this movie than Sylvester Stallone.  Give it a shot if you can see it for free and you like action, otherwise just wait for TBS.

FYI:  Nick Nolte had so much screen time cut from this film they didn't even credit him at the end.


1 comment:

  1. Agree on all points. I keep watching Liam and his particular set of skills.
