Monday, May 4, 2015

Avengers Age of Ultron

Classic tale of a couple of smart guys acting stupid again!  Way to go egg heads, you just created a crazed, maniac, artificial intelligent robot that wants to destroy the world. Oops!  I guess we better get the band back together.  Here is the deal, I LOVE these Marvel movies!  I cant get enough of them, and turn into a giant nerd when they come out.  I mean, seriously we were at the theater an hour early, after buying the tickets the night before.  Dont get me wrong, this movie was really awesome, but I was let down.  I felt like it was the exact same movie as Avengers part 1.  All of the elements are there:  Each member has their own hidden demons that separate them and make them piss in each others cereal.  Then earth gets invaded by an evil villain.  Then the Avengers assemble as friends to work together and destroy the enemy.  Sound familiar, that's because you saw it a few years ago with part 1.  I wanted more Hulk, but his fight scene was great.  Now for the cool parts, Thor and Cap really roided up for this one, and looked awesome.  Iron Man was great with his one liners, and Hawkeye had a great back story.  Even the new additions were cool, and liked how they were introduced.  But the one who stole the show was Spader as the voice of Ultron.  He was the perfect cast!  Good tie in to Guardians of the Galaxy and some obvious spin off movies references.  All in all I had fun watching this and will watch it again, (and again).  I was just hoping for more story.  Avengers 3 & 4 are in production so keep your fingers crossed for the bar being raised even higher!

FYI:  Scarlet Johansen was pregnant at the time of filming and either used a double or her belly was CGI'd out.



  1. I cannot get enough of these Marvel movies either. Kept seeing bad reviews and kinda went in with low expectations. The fight scenes were insane and Ultron was hilarious. I kept think the hulk was going to do the bone dance with Black Widow. I am pretty sure that would of killed her...... All in all I thought it was great.

  2. HA! Once again I agree, but maybe BW likes it rough? I have such high expectations for these movies anymore and compare everything to The Dark Knight, which is the best comic movie ever!

  3. It could have been better and agree kind of the same story. Honestly was suprised they did the back story on Hawkeye, but made sense at the the end. And I know they kind of want it to be for younger audiences, but if you have Samuel L. Jackson in a movie and don't have him say Motherf*cker atleast one time, then you are missing out. Also agree about Spader as Ultron, that was great. I think I would have traded swapped the fate of the twins, just thought speedy was cooler character imo. Also, as I said earlier, I am a fan of the Matrix 1 & 2, so the freeway fight scene was taking me back to those days, which was awesome. As you said, these movies never really need a new plot, cuz I will keep watching them.

    Also, I must be missing out, I never got into the Dark Knight. I don't know, maybe I will come down for a visit, we could watch it and make a Spicy Molina pizza for old times sake.

  4. Great comment Grabe! I really liked speedy as well but think the witch could end up being really cool. Jackson always has a catch line in every movie, but your right, this one didnt really have anything memorable. Then again, who cares what we say, Marvel will still continue to swim in pools of money! Open invitation for a Spicy Molina, and re watch the Dark Knight, the Joker cant be beat!
