Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Babadook

"Mom, where did I put that creepy book that just showed up at our house one day?"
"What book Honey?"
"You know, the one that makes me go crazier than a shit house rat!"
"Oh, its on the top shelf."

When this conversation goes on in your house between your basket-case Mother and her 6 year old son.  Run away fast and don't look back.  Before I get started on this, I want to say that I actually really liked this movie but had a few problems with it that I will sarcastically exaggerate now.  First, the kid is a complete dick!  Well that is what I thought until I met his Mum.  Wow, she is a true candidate for crazy, nut job, mother of the year!  She not only abandons him from time to time, but ignores him, sleeps all day, and drugs him just to shut him up, wait that's me.  Anyway, he finds the creepiest children's book ever written (even giving Little Orphan Annie a run for its money)!  After reading the book, but becomes terrified and his little spoiled cousin doesn't make things any better.  The mom, with her own husband issues is in a haze most of the movie until she discovers that this Babadook is real.  They float in and out of conscience "real time" which is enough to successfully confuse the viewer and make you wonder what is actually happening.  I think they did an excellent job of making you feel the tension and emotions of the characters and like I said I liked it, I just don't think I will watch it again.  Give it a shot if you like child abuse, weird kids books, and creepy evil with a bad case of throat cancer.

FYI:  The director of the original Exorcist said he has never seen a more terrifying movie!


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