Friday, May 22, 2015

Area 51

In Hollywood, if you want to make a movie about aliens you have to follow three rules in order to get a Green Light.  Rule #1:  Alien creatures must look like your typical big eye, slender, almond shape head figure that is documented by crazies all over the world.  Rule #2:  You must include an incredibly secret government conspiracy and cover up that almost any college kid with a computer can uncover.  Rule #3:  When reaching an alien space craft, there must be something sticky involved.  Check, Check, and Check!  We have Area 51, not to be confused with the 10 other movies using the same title.  One more thing, just because you throw "From the Directors of Paranormal Activity" on the poster doesn't make it the next big thing.  Here is the skinny on this film.  Found footage, which I like.  College kids become obsessed with sneaking into Area 51 using technology beyond the realm of normal citizens.  Successful break in to one of the countries most heavily guarded facilities only to find the aliens.  The beginning of the movie was very cheesy and has some terrible acting, but it did get better and I actually liked the middle to the end.  Some creepy scenes that were explained and cool new spaceship looks.  Some of the dialogue got very annoying as they would say, "We've come this far, we cant stop" and "This is exactly what so and so was talking about" over and over again.  All in all it was an okay alien film, with not a lot of originality.

FYI:  This film was completed and sitting on a shelf since 2009.  Red flag anyone?


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