Thursday, May 7, 2015

It follows

Here is a movie that brings the saying "Screwing your way to the top" a new meaning all together!  Now think back to your child hood neighborhood and remember all of the friends you had while growing up.  There is always the house with the screwed up family, right?  The ones who always seem to have the dark cloud over their heads.  Now quit being a judgmental asshole and think they may have had more going on than you think, like evil spirits terrorizing them!  Its likely.  This movie was absolutely awesome!!  Set in the Detroit suburbs, in the present but with a great 80's overtone with outstanding music and style.  It was a slow, steady tense type of movie that has you intrigued from the very start.  The story line could have been played out cheesy but was set up really well.  The premise is an evil spirit attaches itself to you and will follow you changing images until it reaches you to kill.  This evil entity is passed on from someone else through sex, and if it gets you, it moves down the line to go after whoever else has had it.  Might sound dumb, but trust me it was intense!  I loved the fact there were no goofy monsters or ghosts, just this evil that is traveling to murder.  One of my new favorite horror movies that I will definitely recommend.  That will teach you to sleep around!

FYI:  The concept of this film was from a reoccurring nightmare that the director had growing up.



  1. I watched the trailer with Julie and she got scared so we had to watch "Grandma's Boy" instead.

  2. Good movie, but no where close to It Follows! The hot chick in G mas boy is in the new Avengers.

  3. This one looks really cool. I'm gonna check it out soon.

  4. This one looks really cool. I'm gonna check it out soon.
