Monday, May 18, 2015

Ex Machina

Have you ever looked at your toaster or your microwave and thought, "Wow, your hot"?  If so this movie will be your fetish nirvana!  And, your a freak and I will be sure to send you a garbage disposal for your next birthday.  Ex Machina, filled with a smokin' hot robot, an arrogant, billionaire, genius, and a young naive, nerdy, programmer.  Sounds like your last Saturday night?  If so you are one lucky SOB.  First off, this movie kicks ass!  I loved every second of it and came to the end, only wanting more.  The story goes like this; Caleb, a young programmer wins a competition to work for the owner of his company for a week who will let him in on a groundbreaking secret.  Nathan, the owner is an eccentric billionaire, living in complete seclusion.  Nathan has some serious issues and is pretty much a giant dick.  The secret, artificial intelligence, casually created in the form or a beautiful woman.  Caleb is there to test the AI, and see if the robot can pass for human.  Along the way is deception, backstabbing, tension, and a build up of the inevitable.  The story reminded me of Apocalypse Now, when Caleb and Nathan are together.  It was a lot like Col. Kurtz, and Capt. Willard with an evil overtone and mind games with ever sentence.  You will think you have the answers while watching this and even if you do, you wont.  The style was excellent and the story was fresh.  I would highly recommend this film to anyone, just dont go all Terminator on it when its over!

FYI:  The title comes from a Latin phrase meaning "A God from a Machine"



  1. Sounds awesome. We have been wanting to see this one for a while. Gonna try to make it to the theater if we get a chance. If not, then video it is.

  2. Sounds awesome. We have been wanting to see this one for a while. Gonna try to make it to the theater if we get a chance. If not, then video it is.

  3. I think this was a near perfect movie. The slow tense movement with a touch of mystery was great. I was completely routing for Nathan the rich dude.

  4. Dude this movie was so awesome. I give it an 8.3

  5. Glad you watched it, I thought it was one of the most underrated movies of the year
