Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Jimi: All is by My Side

Remember how when you were a kid and the nicely wrapped gift under the tree that had your name on it was on your mind every second of the day?  The one you just couldn't wait to open on Christmas morning knowing it was going to be the present you always wanted!  Then when you opened it up, it was filled with fucking socks!!!  That is how this movie made me feel!  I was shocked when I saw it on Netflix so fast and immediately pushed play.  I feel that there should be some rules when making a Bio-Docu-Drama, (especially when it is of an icon like this).  First and most importantly get the rights to make a true story of the life of your subject or don't make the damn movie.  Second, Get a director who can push the limits a little and show a life time, not just a year of someones life.  Third, don't leave out the most important songs that changed music in that time period (refer to rule #1).  This movie shows only a few years of Hendrix life in London, leaving out any original music he wrote, and basically having no impact on the world other than a few club rats.  It portrayed him as a violent, self destructive, highly influenced, hippie with no care in the world other than making his music big.  The only good parts of this movie was Andre did a pretty good job playing Jimi, and when he gets on stage with Clapton and made him look like a fool.  This movie was wrong, wrong, wrong!  Hendrix being one of the top three best guitar players ever (along with Jimmy Page and Steve Ray Vaughn) should have a much better legacy movie written about him to do him justice.  Get Oliver Stone on the phone and make a better movie!

FYI:  Hendrix step sister who is in charge of his estate would only grant the rights to make the film if she could have full participation.  Obviously they said no.


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