Tuesday, May 12, 2015


How easy is it to live in New Zealand anymore?  According to this movie you can blow up and rob an ATM then flee the cops and your punishment?  Go live with your Mum!  My bags are packed!  This little hidden Netflix gem is just what the Dr. ordered!  I am usually not a fan of horror movies that throw in the campy humor but the recipe here was spot on!  Basically you have an early 20's something angry young woman who ends up getting sentenced to her child hood home because of a crime.  Well her Mum tells her that she thinks the place is haunted which creates more drama between the two, who are already estranged.  When the daughter starts to hear bumps in the night she realizes her Mother isn't all that crazy.  Here is the good with this movie:  The Mom is one of the funniest characters I have ever seen in a movie like this.  She is neurotic and innocent but you will love her.  The probation office is witty and has a secret passion to be a ghost hunter.  The main girl is kind of hot and plays the brat perfectly.  She also has one of the longest and most controlled urination scenes in history.  This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat as well as having you laughing at the campy foreign humor.  I would recommend this to anyone, it lives up to its hype!

FYI:  There is a scene with a cheese grater that is great!  You will see! :)



  1. Sounds good. I enjoy campy humor anyway. Going on my list.

  2. Let me know what you think of the Mom, she is awesome!
