Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Generation Iron

Your homework assignment:  Go up to a body builder and tell him you can easily be as big as him with steroids.  Apparently these athletes don't really like to hear that, in fact they might fold you up like a tortilla shell and swallow you whole!  Only if it is a protein infused, complex sugar, wheat shell filled with eggs and broiled chicken.  I will admit, I have always been fascinated with body builders and would give anything to have the determination to be that big.  I think the look is awesome and what their life consists of to become a champion body builder is insane!  There is some amazing science that goes into the type of training they go through.  The constant food choices, the sophisticated and intricate lifting, and the pure discipline.  These guys aren't dumb, they just have a single focus and that is to get jacked.  The documentary was really good, I still like Pumping Iron better but this was close.  Giving you insight to stars like Phil Heath (cheating asshole), Kai Green (my favorite), Branch Warren (horse scene is great), and even some old vets show up, Arnold, Lou, Coleman, and Cutler.  If you hate the whole body building scene than you will hate this movie, but judging from the cover, you most likely will never even look at it.  If you can appreciate what these guys do you will love it!

FYI:  Mike Katz has a great scene after the credits, if you have seen Pumping Iron you will get it.


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