Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Take every tense, extremely heart pounding scene from The Walking Dead along with every classic, iconic one liner, action packed explosive scene from every Arnold movie.  Now mix them all up and put it into a movie.  What you will get is a film that would be the complete opposite of Maggie!  If you are looking for a high action, blood-fest Zombie movie, this ain't it!  Don't worry though, if you go in expecting an actual drama with real acting, you will most likely like this flick.  This gives us a glimpse into a dark world that has been plagued with a disease that turns you into a flesh eating "zombie".  A father finds out his daughter has been bitten and is doing everything he can to hold himself together and give her support till the very end.  This slow, steady paced movie is dark and depressing putting the viewer into a terrible situation of watching your child transform into a non human thing.  The only alternative is to quarantine the sick in what sounds like a chamber full of hazardous beings, or wait until they change and take care of it yourself.  I really like this movie and thought it had a great moral overtone of personal responsibility and feelings.  Give it a shot, you will be pleasantly surprised by Arnold, and Breslin is always good.

FYI:  In 2011, this film made the Blacklist of most liked scripts that haven't been made.



  1. I have been waiting to see this one for a long time. Gonna have to see if I can fit it in this week.

  2. It is actually really good and has some deep undertones about morality. Most of the viewer reviews were bad because I think they were expecting hard core Ahnold crushing zombies.
