Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Bag Man

Think of this movie as a Pinterest recipe.  Take an A list actor, a used to be A list actor, a creepy familiar actor, a hot chick with a bad accent, a midget, and a suspenseful plot with a mysterious bag.  Place ingredients in a mixing bowl, let it fester for 2 hours, now find out it is no where near the original Pinterest post and realize it sucks!  This movie would have been a great fit for the mid 90's suspense/thrillers like Albino Alligator, Palmetto, Wild things, you know the type of movie.  Ones that would have went straight to video if not for the one or two A lister's that took up the budget.  I think Cusack is awesome and DeNiro is the Man, but what a stretch for a pay day this was.  Premise:  Loyal hit man working for Richie-Rich takes on the challenge of holding a bag in a scumbag hotel for the night and runs into all sorts of problems.  I.E.  Cops, Pimps, Hookers, wheelchair clad creepo front desk operator, etc.  That's about it, his adventures were enough to keep me watching but once was enough for this flick.  Netflix instant, but you should wait for nothing else to be on, or watch and relive the 90's video store check out.  

FYI:  All of the paintings at the end of the movie are from DeNiro Sr.


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