Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Return to Sender

To all of you nurses out there, take a look around the next time your at work and pin point the weird, quiet, and socially awkward co worker of yours.  If you cant find them, sorry to say but, its you.  Now before you ever speak to them again, keep in mind that they may just be the one crazy enough to steal supplies from the hospital for some late night anatomy projects.  Here we go again with Rosamund Pike, playing Amy from Gone Girl all over again.  She better be careful not to pigeon-hole herself as a type cast.  This was a step away from a Lifetime made for TV movie, but I still liked it.  Pike is a nurse, although top of the crazy scale hot, and a little lost in the head, plays the part of a sadistic, crazy woman perfectly.  Well she is attacked and raped by some looser in her town.  She gets him locked up and once paroled, she begins a weird relationship with him.  The whole thing is pretty predictable but I am sure you have already guessed what happens.  The attacker is a real dirt bag and his creepy smile made me want to smash his face.  There was some good revenge and you never really like Pike until the very end.  Dad, played by Nick Nolte, who is about 5 seconds away from death does his part.  There was a lot in the is movie not explained or fitting and it had a loss of writing to it.  This movie is just OK, but nothing special.  I would have liked to see 10 more minutes added to the end scenes, you'll understand once you see it.

FYI:  Rumor Willis is in this for about 10 seconds and is one of the top billed cast.  She did get owned by Pike though!


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