Thursday, May 7, 2015

John Wick

Lesson #1:  Kill a mans dog and prepare to be annihilated!  Lesson #2:  Mess with a mans car and prepare to be annihilated!  Lesson #3:  If your Daddy is a major kingpin in a crime organization including hit-men, ask him before you go for a nightly home invasion.   With a touch of Ted Theodore Logan, Reeves puts on a pretty stellar performance.  This might be my new favorite Keanu movie yet.  He plays a retired hit man who is living his life in solace after his wife dies.  Before she died, she bought him a puppy to take care of and was a constant reminder of her.  Enter Russian thugs who steal his car, beat him down, and kill his dog.  What these idiots didn't know what that the home they just invaded was residence to John Wick, the baddest of them all in the killing profession.  Now he is out for blood, and decides to single handedly take out the crime syndicate.  There are some really bad ass scenes in this movie and is action packed with a lot of sugar on top as you root for the main killer.  I would suggest watching this to turn any negative about Reeves around.  If you follow the 3 lessons above, you may just make it through the night!  Definitely a guilty pleasure type of movie.

FYI:  This is the 6th movie that Reeves plays a character named John.



  1. If not for your review, I would not have never watched this movie. Back in the late 90's early 2000's I was huge Matrix nerd and Neo and Morpheus were my homies. I loved the first two of the triology, and the 3rd one flopped, and I held that agaisnt Keanu. Well he is back!!! This movie was fun. I mean, everyone has there price right? Wrong, the boogyman has no price, bitch. Also, the Continental, a private club for hitman, friggin' awesome, just don't break their rules. The night club scene had me reliving the Matrix days. Thank you Molina movie review!!!!!

  2. I agree buddy! And yes, how cool would it be to have a reservation at the Hit-man Hotel! Thanks for the comment!
