Thursday, May 7, 2015


This movie could have very well been titled, "How Dumb are You?"  If you are one of these people who say, "of course I understand it, I cant believe you don't"  You are a pretentious, lying, dick!  No one understands this movie, not even Christopher Nolan, so don't even act all sciency, your not Stephen Hawking.  I, on the other hand will now explain it to you.  In the not so distant future, Earth has relished into a state of famine and drought and on a path for Human existence to become extinct.  A team of scientists and astro-nauts, physicists, and all around smart guys get together and come up with a plan to find a new earth.  All they do is find a mysterious rip in the space-time continuum, pass through a wormhole using electro magnetic spectrum, sync two alternating solar systems and align planetarium leaps with anti-static speed coalition, and bam!  New Earth!  Well, of course things go wrong, im sure you guessed and the balance of the human race falls into the hands of one man, (Que the Alright, Alright, Alright quote).  All in all I really liked this movie, even if what I just said was jibberish and I have no idea what really happened in the movie.  I thought the idea was cool, and really loved to hate Matt Damon.  Check it out, but eat a banana before hand to get those brain cells working.

FYI:  Kip Thorn who worked on this film won a scientific bet with Stephen Hawking based on the underlines of Interstellar.  Hawking then had to subscribe to Penthouse for a year.  Nerds are cool!



  1. I like rusty spooooons.

  2. Not sure if my first comment posted so trying this again. I liked this movie except for a few parts. It was real convenient that the hidden space station was only a few corn fields away from his house also the end with off the rails. He appears 50 - 60 years later and the human race has suddenly got organized enough to build an entire new artificial world in space and everyone has moved there......

  3. Not sure if my first comment posted so trying this again. I liked this movie except for a few parts. It was real convenient that the hidden space station was only a few corn fields away from his house also the end with off the rails. He appears 50 - 60 years later and the human race has suddenly got organized enough to build an entire new artificial world in space and everyone has moved there......

  4. I agree, and why wasnt Matt Damon an old man??? The best part of the movie I thought was the fact that while on the first planet, 1 minute was 42 days on Earth! Mind Blown!
