Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Starred Up

Ever heard the term, "one bad apple spoils the bunch"?  Well in this case there are quite a few rotten ones.  I came to the conclusion if you throw a criminal in a group of good people, they will eventually turn like him.  If you throw a good person in a group of criminals he will get shanked behind the laundry.  There is a reason there are prisons, and a reason I love prison movies!  Wow!  This hidden gem was incredible!  19 year old kid who has been in and out of detention centers is prematurely transferred to an adult prison due to his violent actions.  He just so happens to end up in the same joint as his dear old Dad, who has been in since the kid was 5.  This kid is destined to make a name for himself and decides to kick the shit out of everyone in his path!  He is invited to join a group hosted by a volunteer to help troubled and violent prisoners only to have it all messed up by Dad.  This is a really good story about this kids life and coming to terms with his transition and the hierarchy of the prison system.  I have heard a few comments of people thinking it is boring but I completely disagree!  Definitely give this a watch, you wont be disappointed.  And stay out of trouble!

FYI:  Starred up is a term used for those being moved up to an Adult prison


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