Wednesday, May 20, 2015

White House Down

How many bullets can one man dodge before obtaining the status of "Super"?  My guess is the same amount of times the same man can get thrown through a window, out of a speeding car, cracked in the skull with something heavy, and blown up.  If your answer is 12, you aren't even close!  Here we have a perfect recipe for one of the stupidest movies ever, and those of you who think it was good because Tatum was in it, Shut the Fuck UP!  Plot?  Well, Tatum an ex military dude brings his daughter to the White House with him for a job interview with the Secret Service.  Just so happens to be at the same time the house gets jacked by the Secretary of Defense and some terrorists.  There is only one man who can save the Pres, yep you guessed it, Tatum.  Here is my common breakdown showing the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!  The Good:  uh, er, well, the helicopters?  The Bad:  Other than everything, Jamie Fox as President, not only terrible but news flash, he is black (like that would ever happen).  Also, all of the acting, the dialogue, the cheesy one liners, the fact that Tatum is better equipped to protect the President than the entire us Military and Secret Service.  The Ugly:  The 11 year old daughter basically saves the day being thrown around and with guns smashed in her face.  Not to mention her ridiculous flag waving, slow motion, Armageddon scene at the end.  If you haven't guessed by now, I thought this movie was a big fat turd.  The sad thing is I watched the entire movie!  You're welcome!

FYI:  Tatum and Fox began a romantic relationship during the filming of this movie :)



  1. I have had this in my vudu account since it came out on video and never watched it because I heard it was so bad. Now I may never watch it.

  2. I wouldn't recommend it, but if you get bored, be prepared for multiple eye rolls and hating yourself for watching it!

  3. That other White House movie with Leonidas in it was pretty good I thought.

  4. Olympus has Fallen was much better, I agree. Would have been better if he would have yelled, "This is Sparta"!

  5. Olympus Has Fallen was waaaaay better!
