Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Houses October Built

This touching tale of a lonely man named October, decides to build a house for abandoned Halloween characters.  While struggling with his own mental capacity, he finds love with an unusual suitor.  Together they create a world of happiness opening their hearts to other holidays as well.  When tragedy strikes, they must overcome the curve-ball life has thrown at them and climb back to bliss once again.  Sound good?  Well then, don't watch this movie because that was all a load of crap.  As many of you may know I LOVE Halloween, it is my absolute favorite holiday and I go all out with a haunted house of my own ever year for the neighborhood.  This movie had a great idea but fell a little short.  It is basically about a group of college kids who set out to make a documentary about the most extreme haunts in the country.  They catch wind of these "underground haunts" that use real body parts and go above and beyond what the mainstream haunts do.  They get a little rowdy during some of the filming and don't make too many friends along the way, but low and behold, they find what they are looking for.  As you can imagine it doesn't end well.  I actually really liked this and wish they would have done more with it, it could have been amazing.  Give it a shot, its on Netflix and if you like Halloween, you will likely get a kick out of this.  Now get ready for Devils Night and come to my hood this Oct 31st!

FYI:  There were actual Haunts in TX shown during this film.



  1. I am a huge Halloween nerd too. Our haunts have scaled back over the last few years, but we still like to do them. To be honest, the premise for this sounds really dumb, but who knows... Maybe we will try it out in October.

  2. With the right director and writers this could be a really good horror movie. Give it a shot close to Halloween. I didnt know you did a haunt, I will send you some pics of ours this year. It usually takes me a few weeks to set up but turns out really cool.
