Friday, May 22, 2015

Mcfarland USA

Run Diez, Run!  Bring on the White Guilt!  I have heard that term to describe this movie a few times and makes me laugh, weather its true or not, I just love the fact that race cards are played out so much these days.  So lets talk about McFarland USA the movie.  Hard ass white coach gets kicked to the curb by his over privileged white suburban high school for being to rough.  Gets sent to the poverty stricken high school where most of the kids are super athletes but never had anyone care enough to help them reach their potential.  Along the way coach and students find their heart, inspiration, and overcome their inner anger expressing it through sport.  They then go on to win everything and BAM, the future is all set.  Have you heard this story before?  If you have watched any Disney movie over the last 25 years then you most certainly have!  I feel like Disney has the right ideas but always falls short by being a little too "Disney".  Costner is just OK, he is starting to kind of drive me nuts.  His wife played by Maria Bello, although really hot, needs some more acting classes.  The students were pretty good, but not one of them had a real cross country runners body.  This movie was filled with cheese but I have to admit I liked it and the Diez Mom was great!  Being a runner, I enjoy that stuff, and any sports movie gets me.  They could have done more like added more scenes with the Hispanic hairdresser ;)  Give it a shot, its a good one for the family (for real this time).

FYI:  In Canada, this movie is just titled, McFarland, without the USA.  Friggin Canadians!


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