Tuesday, April 7, 2015


If Michael Brown were in this movie, the outcome would have been the same.  Actually the cop would most likely have torn all of his limbs off and there would have been no racial protests.  Mainly because the cops are big fucking robots!  Here we have a pretty common tale of Earth in the future.  Its as we all expect it to be, filthy, crime ridden, and overpopulated with poverty.  What about the rich people you ask?  Well they have constructed a space station to mimic the atmosphere of earth complete with a medical regeneration machine so you can basically never get sick and live forever!  Sound too good to be true?  Not according to Stephen Hawking’s latest crazy rant.  Damon plays a former criminal tring to work and live his life in peace.  His obsession of living at Elysium (the rich space station) is overwhelming but still seems an obtainable dream for this delusional looser.  When a plot to wipe out the scum of earth is thrown right back at those richies, he gets his chance.  The main villain is played by an awesome actor who is very underrated, the dude from District 9, and The A Team.  He will not disappoint but most of the other actors will, (other than Jodi Fosters legs).  Predictable, meh story, just okay acting, but I liked it!  It kept me entertained especially after working my brain for 12 hours and needing a movie I can veg with.  Give it a shot, its better than Oblivion.

FYI:  The part Matt Damon plays was first offered to Eminem (ya, the rapper)!!!!  WTF!!!!


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