Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Lone Ranger

Remember the movie "The Wild West" with Will Smith?  Probably not since it was quite possibly the worst movie ever made!  Well this is a better version of that, minus the black guy, and the futuristic robot stuff.  Here we have yet another Johnny Depp type cast.  I am really, really sick of this guy and his overacted parts, playing the same type of character and giving the camera the same campy facial expressions!  It was funny the first 500 times!!!  Ok, im done with that rant, and that being said I thought Depp did a pretty good job in this.  He really made the movie not necessarily with his acting, I think anyone could have played the part, but the writing for his character was the absolute best part.  In the midst of awful reviews of this movie I was really surprised!  The story was great, and the back story of how the Lone Ranger was a big pussy was excellent.  I have read some pretty interesting things about how the critics destroyed the movie from a budget point of view before it was even released.  Also, if you read the hater reviews of amateur reviewers (not like me of course) they say some pretty horrible things about this.  A few things to keep in mind; 1. Its a Disney movie.  2. Its a remake of an ancient children story, so of course they are going to have some cheesy lines in it.  3. It's the Lone Fucking Ranger!!!  My kids loved it and it was a good family movie night. I enjoyed Hammer as the Ranger and the main cowboy villain (Fincher) was almost un recognizable.  Give it a shot, its worth a light movie night.

FYI:  Tonto in Spanish means "Fool" so in the Spanish version his name is changed to Toro.


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