Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Taking of Deborah Logan

Well, the cover looks good enough, Ill watch it.  That's usually how most of my late night experiences start off :)  After watching this movie I wanted to put on my scariest Halloween costume and run through the secure wing of an Alzheimer's unit.  It's another found footage film, which is a little played out but this had a good take on the reason some idiot is running around with a camera filming everything.  we find ourselves watching some grad students who are able to schmooze their way into a household to do a documentary on the stages of Alzheimer's Disease.  The daughter/caregiver/local lesbian is desperate for money and allows the crew to film her mother who is suffering from the disease, or is she???  Well, the most inconsiderate film crew ever  begins their descent into the mind of this crazy skeletal looking nut bag, only to find that something more supernatural is going on.  When the shit starts going bump in the night, the craziness begins.  Good back story with this film and the acting was pretty awesome.  There were a few things that most definitely could have been left out or created a different way, but I rate this movie a must watch, especially if you like 82 pound naked old chicks!

FYI:  One of the film crew making this movie actually claimed he had an out of body experience with a ghost one of the nights they were wrapping up.  Whatever Arnold.


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