Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Enough Said

On the lighter side of things, I happened to fall into the chick flick trap the other day.  Thank God Tony Soprano was in this or I would have passed right by.  You know how when you were younger and hung out with the friend who had single parents that were a little...off?  Well here is your guide to why and what they hell was going through their heads.  Speaking of heads, see if you can wrap yours around this one!  Divorced woman working as a masseuse meets divorced man at a party.  They hook up after a far too witty, and unrealistically comfortable first date.  The two said parties begin to date, meet each others bratty kids, and hang out.  Ready for the total mind blow...one of her clients is his ex wife!!!!!!!  I know, I know, you can hardly believe the sinister tale that has been placed before you, but it gets better with the completely unexpected ending.  (Spoiler Alert!!)  He finds out the two women have known each other while the girlfriend knew about his all along!  Predictable? Yes.  There were some actual funny parts in this movie and with Dreyfus and Gandolfini at the helms  it is far from disappointing.    Very light, and almost after school special level, but worth a watch.  Just dont expect them to have a date at the Ba-Da-Bing, and to see a member of the E St. Band hanging out doing a DeNiero impression.

FYI:  Dreyfus's Ex in this movie played her Ex Boyfriend in Sienfeld once.


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