Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Documentary.  Oscar winner.  The real story of "Wildcats" staring Goldie Hawn???  This isn't your cutting edge, never before seen type of football movie.  Its an all to familiar story-line, only this is an actual documentary with no actors, just an uplifting story about a volunteer coach and his under privileged, under appreciated and non-winning football team.  As you can guess, it takes place in a poverty stricken all black community, where a white guy steps in to take over as head coach of the football team.  This team was bad, and I mean really bad before whitey came along.  So bad that they had multiple all loss seasons and were paid to come to bigger schools and be their pre season scrimmage game.  So its a typical story of sports possibly saving the lives of these youngsters who are tough as nails and come from pretty sad backgrounds.  Low and behold (Spoiler)  they end up kicking some serious ass and make it to the playoffs for the first time in school history.  Awesome story of how these hard, knuckle-heads can come together and rise above the bullshit in their lives.  I give it up for the coach who sacrifices everything for these kids and still has the heart to do it all over again.  Even if you don't like football, this is a hell of a movie to watch.

FYI:  Turned down by the snooty Sun-dance Film Festival committee in 2012, this bad boy went on to win an Oscar for best documentary.



  1. Saw this some time ago and really enjoyed it. Even stole the idea of the "uncommon man" but instead of a book, called it Gatorade player of the week, winner gets, you guessed it a Gatorade. Don't measure the character of this movie when they win, but measure it in defeat. Bill Courtney is a good man.

  2. The real question is, what flavor of Gatorade?
