Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Ever heard of this one?  Well you have now and curiosity will most likely get the best of you with this one.  Drugs, check!  Dirty euro bathroom sex, check!  Weird hallucinations and disgusting masturbation scenes, double check!  This movie was a crazy roller coaster ride of emotions and disturbing life.  It has everything including the kitchen sink thrown at you and none of it is subtle.  Here we have James McAvoy, a corrupt Scottish cop who is up for a promotion along with some of his fellow lawmen.  Well he is a real piece of shit.  He basically stops at nothing to defile and destroy the other candidates to get this job.  Oh, BTW, he is all the while battling his own demons.  You know the typical drug addiction, hooker sex addiction, self asphyxiation while watching weird Euro trash films and prank calling the wife of his only "Friend".  We've seen it a thousand times!  His past is really messed up and only portions of it come out in the movie making it more of a film where you have to decide for yourself whats real and what his screwed up mind is pitching you.  Needless to say, I liked it.  It was a cross between Trainspotting, Bad Lieutenant, and Requiem for a Dream.  If you haven't seen any of the movies I just mentioned get to your Netflix Que now!  Give this a watch, just keep in mind that the deep accents are a little rough at times and hard to understand but worth it.

FYI:  McAvoy can toss his cookies on demand and all of the scenes where he did was real! :)


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