Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

A true classic way ahead of its time!  This movie has been the inspiration for countless horror movies over the years and with a budget of peanuts.  If you havent seen this movie you obviously like Texas way too much.  For those out there who don't know of this movie I will humor you and give you the low down.  The time; 1970's.  The place; backwoods Texas.  The scene; hippies on a road trip who end up picking up the wrong hitch hiker and seeking help at the wrong house.  The narrator;  the one and only John Larroquette (you may know him from Night Court).  So basically these pot smoking, free lovin, hippies end up getting terrorized by a chainsaw expert who must be coked up because his fat ass can run for miles!  Well it seems that he is part of a lovely family of hoarders that just want to eat, human flesh.  They are very creative and seem to use every part of the hunted human.  I'm talking furniture made out of bones,  lampshades made from skin, and of course the best Halloween mask ever.  Needless to say, one of the bra-less hippies get away and tells the tale.  I love this movie, and I hate to admit I would rather watch the remake with Jessica Biel, but the original still stands the test of time!

FYI:  According to Larroquette his payment for narrating this film; a marijuana joint!


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