Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Heard of this movie yet?  I could believe if you haven't, or haven't seen it since it is  only playing in 9 theaters across the US!  Ever have that teacher that you do everything you can to impress , and nothing works? Then all you want to do is murder him in the most excruciating, painful way possible with a dull object?  Then when your done, get the recognition for the work you have done with the world praising you?  If so, this is the movie for you!  Being a drummer myself, this movie was one I could relate to for the subject matter and was impressed with the playing abilities of Miles Teller.  I remember when I was a drummer for Palmyra High School, and my band teacher would do his best to push me and make me a better band nerd.  He would scream obscenities  at me, hit me with drum sticks, humiliate me and beat me within an inch of my life.  Thank God for Mr. Burbach, he made me the man I am today, twitches an all.  Okay, none of that even remotely happened, as a matter of fact, I think my teacher was probably stoned half the time.  But those things were pretty close to what happened to this young jazz student in one of the most prestigious music schools in the country.  We have your extremely talented kid who wants to be the best and he faces the Hitler of Jazz instructors.  this amazing movie dove into the depths of persistence, priorities, and obsession with being perfect all the while getting knocked down to rock bottom by the one person who should be encouraging.  I think this movie is probably the best movie I have seen all year.  It was stressful, and exciting with an ending that truly captured the moment with an explosion.  Run to see this movie, and keep in mind that if J.K. Simmons wins every award possible, its still not enough!

FYI:  In order to get funding to make this film, they had to audition a 17 minute short to investors who wanted to drop J.K. Simmons in order to fund it.  Good thing that didn't happen!


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