Tuesday, April 7, 2015

American Sniper

Most of you probably haven't seen the preview for this  movie yet considering it plays on a 4 second rotation, 24 hours a day.  Just in case I will give you a quick plot summary.  American Sniper is the prequel to the groundbreaking early 90's movie starring Tom Berringer, "Sniper".  Just kidding, I'm sure everyone knows what this movie is all about, if not just ready the title and there you have it.  First off I will start off by saying Cooper was outstanding in this movie, and would rank him high on the best actor of the year list.  Eastwood directed this movie with such a powerful overtone that the theater was dead silent as the credits ran.  This true story not only inspires but creates a sense of humility and praise for those who have served.  Each year around Oscar time I choose my choice for movie of the year, (last year being Wolf of Wall Street), This year I choose Sniper.  Now I found that there are two types of people who have opinions on this movie; the realistic viewers who know that even though movies are based on true stories, they still have to capture the audience and tell a life story in 2 hours.  Those same people have an opinion on the honor and sacrifice our US Military makes on a daily basis, and recognizing a true hero is not always perfect but has done much more than the average person to help protect the greatest country in the world.  Also, that this was a great movie, these people are right!  Then we have the liberal, communist, un-controllable loud mouth idiots, who are trashing this movie saying things like "Nazi Propaganda" and "Coward Soldiers".  These people are wrong.  This was a hell of a movie and any film that can create such a reaction is a success in my book.

FYI:  Originally Chris Pratt was scheduled to play the lead role with Cooper just Producing.


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