Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Has anyone even heard of this movie?  Most likely not.  Highly underrated, and not publicized to the masses I found this hidden gem at the RedBox.   Ever wonder how a priest deals with what he hears at confessional, and then has to face the perish afterwards?  Ever wonder if the Man of God who speaks to you every week kicks back with a stiff drink?  Well, apparently in Ireland they are much more liberal with their lifestyle which creates a compelling story.  We start off with a scene in the confessional booth where an unseen person tells his priest he is going to kill him due to the terrible childhood they had.  Although being a model member of the church, it is explained that there is no use in killing a bad priest, but by killing a good one, the world will look deeper into the demise of the Church.  The priest find out he has one week to get his affairs in order before he meets his maker.  Not your typical cat and mouse suspense story but still giving you the edge of your seat feeling.  This small village outside of Dublin, is populated with some top notch scum bags who all treat this priest as a joke even though he is a staple in the community.  The tension grows and you find yourself as the viewer rooting heavily for the Man of the Cloth.  It's very dark and has a martyr type of tone to it that proves not every bad situation can have any good in it what so ever.  How this movie wasn't up for an award is beyond me!  Great acting and casting, excellent story, and something new in Hollywood.  I highly recommend this movie, it was also one of my favorites of the year.

FYI:  The film surrounds the life of 12 supporting characters which insinuates the 12 Disciples.


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