Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Netflix instant.  The beginning of the movie states that this is a true story and that nothing was exaggerated, these real events are so shocking that is almost impossible to believe.  If thats not enough to get you to watch this thing, I don't know what is!  What evil lurks behind the front counter of the fast food chain you visit on a regular basis?  Here you have it!  If you have ever worked fast food before, you can relate to the characters in this film.  Most of them being complete dumb shits, (The Manager usually), the naive minor hasn't experienced the rules of life yet,  the middle age cook or dishwasher who is most likely stoned throughout the shift, and the Asst. manager who is witty and cool, but kisses a little too much ass.  Well in this movie they are all present and accounted for.  The basis of this story is that a "cop" calls in and claims the register girl is stealing money and the Manager needs to detain her until the police arrive.  Once this happens all hell breaks loose including strip search, abuse and some twisted shit!  While watching this movie I kept thinking to my self, "Bullshit! No one is that stupid!"  But then I thought, oh, yes people really are that stupid and gullible.  This is a pretty tough movie to sit through and you really get angry watching the events that happen.  Again, if a movie is powerful enough to make you change your emotions, its a winner in my book.  Give it a shot, preferably just after your teenage daughter gets her first job at the local Jack in the Box!

FYI:  This is really a true story based on events that happened at a McDonalds in Georgia.  It is one of over 70 cases like in throughout the US!!!!!


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