Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Good People

I'm pretty sure Hollywood says: "Hey, lets put James Franco in a movie!  That's a sure fire way to make money and have success!"  Then the producer says: "Well, whats the plot and story line?"  and the response is:  "Who gives a shit, I just told you James Franco is in it!"  I have to admit the previews reeled me in, and of course throwing Kate Hudson in doesn't hurt.  This movie has a scenario that I'm sure most people have discussed for years.  What if you found a bag full of money, what would you do?  The alignment is perfect for this young couple down on their luck trying to make  ends meet with life way over their head.  They are renting their European basement apartment to some dirt-bag who up and dies on them.  While cleaning out the apartment, what do you know they find a  bag full of cash!  As you can imagine, only the worst that can happen does.  This bag full of cabbage turns out to be stolen from some pretty big drug dealers, and they want their stash back.  Throw in a cop that is a little shady to keep you wondering if he is in on it or not along with some thugs ready to collect and it becomes an action, suspense thriller.  Now, turn Franco into an MMA fighter who can hold his own with the professional killers and Que the cheeeeeese!  Same old generic story with a weird setting to make it just a bit different sticking two Americans in Europe.  This movie failed, but not huge.  I was still interested but just not impressed.  It will most likely show up on the TBS classics every Saturday afternoon just between Walking Tall, and The Shaw-shank Redemption.  

FYI:  James Franco actually made 6 other movies during the 3 week production of this.


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