Tuesday, April 7, 2015


This movie could have been called, "My Life Sucks!"  I heard a number of really bad reviews on this film before watching, but seriously what a groundbreaking film shooting for over 12 years for a final product.  Although there were only 45 days of actual shooting, I thought it turned out almost perfect.  I can see how people without kids or having good parental figures growing up would not appreciate this film.  I truly thought by putting yourself in these situations gives one of the most real life views  of any movie I have ever seen.  Growing up without a Dad and clinging to any father figure I could, this movie hits home for me.  This was a true depiction of the influences kids have by those around them no matter how minute they may be.  We have the ever present Mother with complete absence of actual parenting and the absent Father with a holistic view of parenting with great advice, but just to little to late.  It was a good study of how different the parents view on life is from their kids.  On many cases it is the unstoppable force hitting an immovable object.  The struggles kids go through these days are far different and a lot of the same as we went through.  Many times I think, whatever, your a kid, what do you have to be worried about?  This movie shows the on going struggles over the course of 12 years the effects things have on people.  It is long though, 2 1/2 hours to be exact.  So if your going to watch this, which I recommend, hunker down and have the remote ready for some pause action.  It will keep you interested and relating to many of the events.  Plus if it wins the best picture award this year, you can say you saw it before all the ban wagon jumpers.

FYI:  Patricia Arquette claims she was paid less than what she pays her dog groomers for this film.  Celebrities, they are idiots!


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