Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Since the first day I heard about this movie I impatiently waited for its release.  Excited about Kevin Smith's new disturbing endeavor into the horror genre.  My first disappointment came from the lack of theater releases (red flag #1).  Then finding out that the theaters who were playing it, kept it around for a whopping 4 days (red flag #2).  And finally the last disappointment came from the actual movie itself!  Here it goes; can anyone think of a more loving, cuddly, cute animal than a.........Walrus??  Well this crazy Canadian cant, and decides that he wants to turn a cocky Pod-caster into one for his own amusement.  Throw in a fat Haley Joe Osment, and a nearly un recognizable Johnny Depp, and you have a Blockbuster, right?  Hardly!  I was really into this movie for the first 30 minutes, and it had the beginnings of a great horror flick.  Then it all went to shit!  I am completely convinced that this entire movie is a joke and meant to be really funny.  The only problem is, it wasn't even tongue in cheek funny, it was just kind of dumb.  I would have loved to see the walrus suit much more believable, the transformation more graphic, and the ending much different.  I read a little about this and pretty sure Kevin Smith and his buddy were stoned one night and came up with this ridiculous story and decided to make it into a movie.  The worst part, its part one of a trilogy!   I would suggest everyone see this, just dont pay any money for it.  The best part of the movie is Justin Long before the transformation, and the evil Canadian.  Bit of advice, go in knowing that it is a comedy and you may like it more than I did.

FYI:  This movie was shot in 15 days


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