Monday, April 6, 2015


Think you are a good thief?  Think again!  If you have ever wanted to know the inner workings of a world where everything is up for grabs from a wallet and watch, to millions of dollars this movie will give you the insight showing just how unrealistic and impossible it can be for the average joe.  I had my pocket picked once in Italy and after watching this flick, I am convinced it was part of an elaborate scheme targeting hundreds of tourists at the same time.  I mean, who wouldn't have wanted to steal my maxed out credit cards, and $100 in travelers checks???  So there is this guy Will Smith, you may have seen him in one of the 10,000 movies he is in, who meets up with a chick who wants to learn his crooked criminal business.  He puts her under his wing, shows her how to steal and then of course, falls in love.  Well that's when things get out of hand!  Great schemes and some pretty original stuff, although this is mostly a throw away movie.  It is one of those that you see on TBS and always get sucked in to watch.  Kind of a wannabe Oceans movie and some really impossible situations, but worth a watch.  Moral of this story, don't ever carry any money or anything of value, ever!

FYI:  Ryan Gossling and Emma Stone were cast to play the lead roles before both dropping out.


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